
Andrea Ploder / James McElvenny (ed.)
Sequence Analysis in Linguistics and Social Theory


Alle Beiträge

Andrea Ploder / James McElvenny
Sequence Analysis in Linguistics and Social Theory
Introduction to the Thematic Issue


Lorenza Mondada
Adjusting step-by-step trajectories in public space:
the micro-sequentiality of approaching and refusing to be approached


Susanne Günthner
Aspekte der sequenziellen Organisation von Personenreferenzen
in translokaler Chat-Kommunikation:
Zur Ko-Produktion "alternativer" Selbst- und Fremdreferenzen
in deutschen und chinesischen WhatsApp- und WeChat-Interaktionen


Hubert Knoblauch
Towards a Social Theory of Sequentiality


Christian Meyer
The Phenomenological Foundations of Ethnomethodology’s Conceptions
of Sequentiality and Indexicality.
Harold Garfinkel’s References to Aron Gurwitsch’s "Field of Consciousness"


Jens Loenhoff
Explikation und Vergegenständlichung im Kontext von Sequenzialität und Sequenzanalyse


Andreas Franzmann
The method of sequence analysis within the framework of Objective Hermeneutics
Origins and exemplification


Benjamin Wagener
The historical development of the Documentary Method
and its sequence analysis in the range of text and visual data